Padwico 835 Baby Unit (black)

399.00 kr

Lost your device? Here you can order a new one and then pair them easily again. (NOTE Only device, charging stand not included!)

If the baby and parenting unit cannot communicate, the connection between them has probably disappeared. Do the following:

  1. Remove the battery cover on both devices and lift the Li battery so that the pairing button becomes visible (Do not remove the battery from the socket). Use some pointy object to hold down the pairing buttons while starting the devices.
  2. Now it should start blinking from the devices
  3. Release the pairing buttons from both devices.
  4. Now press the button again on the baby unit only.
  5. If you managed to pair them, you hear two beeps from the parent unit. and both are shining steadily.
  6. Turn off both devices and then turn them back on. Now they should be ready to use.
SKU: Padwico 835 Baby Unit Black Category:


Padwico 835 Baby Unit (black)
399.00 kr